Books - Authored
COVID-19 Under Origin and Transmission: A Data-Driven Analysis for India and Bangladesh
Author : Ajantha Devi, Hashnayne Ahmed
Year : 06 – February – 2021
Book : Emerging Technologies for Battling Covid-19
Series : Studies in Systems, Decision, and Control
Publisher : Springer, Singapore.
Perspectives on the Definition of Data Visualization: A Mapping Study and Discussion on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dataset.
Author :Ajantha Devi, Anand Nayyar
Year : 11 – February – 2021
Book : Emerging Technologies for Battling Covid-19
Series : Studies in Systems, Decision, and Control
Publisher : Springer, Singapore.
Books - Editor
Emerging Technologies for Battling Covid-19
Editor : Fadi Al-Turjman., V. Ajantha Devi ., Anand Nayyar
Year : February – 2021
Series : Studies in Systems, Decision, and Control
Publisher : Springer, Singapore.
Intelligence of Things: AI-IoT Based Critical-Applications and Innovations
Editor : Fadi Al-Turjman ., Anand Nayyar., V. Ajantha Devi ., Piyush Kumar Shukla
Year : October – 2021
Series : AIoT Innovation
Publisher : Springer, Singapore.
Journal / Article Published
Dr. Ajantha Devi V., “Analysis, Modelling and Prediction of COVID-19 Outbreaks Using”., Intelligent Data Analysis for COVID-19 Pandemic. Series: Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer Publication, – 23 June 2021.,
Sirajudeen. S, Balaganesh, Haleema, V. Ajantha Devi., “APPLICATION OF ENSEMBLE TECHNIQUES BASED SENTIMENT ANALYSIS TO ASSESS THE ADOPTION RATE OF E-LEARNING DURING COVID-19 AMONG THE SPECTRUM OF LEARNERS” 1st Online International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Computing for Smart Cities held on 22-23 March 2021.
Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-82322-1
Sirajudeen. S, Balaganesh, Haleema, V. Ajantha Devi “Sentiment Analysis to assess students’ perception of the adoption of online learning during Pre- Covid-19 pandemic period”, 2nd International Conference on Technology Innovation and Data Sciences-2021., held on 19th and 20th February 2021
Ajantha Devi, Anand Nayyar., “Perspectives on the Definition of Data Visualization: A Mapping Study and Discussion on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dataset”., Emerging Technologies for Battling Covid-19: Applications and Innovations. , Springer. , 223-240
Ajantha Devi, Hashnayne Ahmed., ”COVID-19 Under Origin and Transmission: A Data- Driven Analysis for India and Bangladesh”. Emerging Technologies for Battling Covid-19: Applications and Innovations. , Springer.121 – 137
Ajantha Devi V., Nayyar A. (2021) Fusion of Deep Learning and Image Processing Techniques for Breast Cancer Diagnosis. In: Kose U., Alzubi J. (eds) Deep Learning for Cancer Diagnosis. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 908. Springer, Singapore.
V.Ajantha Devi., & Nayyar, A. Evaluation of Geotagging Twitter Data Using Sentiment Analysis During COVID-19. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Management and Machine Intelligence pp 601-608.
Devi, V. A., & Nayyar, A. (2021). Evaluation of Geotagging Twitter Data Using Sentiment Analysis During COVID-19. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Management and Machine Intelligence (pp. 601-608). Springer, Singapore.
Dr. V.Ajantha Devi., “Detection of Novel Coronavirus (nCov-2019) using Lung CT Scan by Marker-based Watershed Segmentation method” International Journal of Innovative Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering (IJIRASE) Volume 4, Issue 5, DOI:10.29027/IJIRASE.v4. i5.2020.766-773.
Dr. V.Ajantha Devi., “Detection of Novel Coronavirus (nCov-2019) using Lung CT Scan by Marker-based Watershed Segmentation method”., 8th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology ICCET 2020, Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College, International Conference, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 14th – 15th March 2020. Received Best Paper Award.
Prem Chander K., Sharma S.S.V.N., Nagaprasad S., Anjaneyulu M., Ajantha Devi V. (2020) “Analysis of Efficient Classification Algorithms in Web Mining.” In: Raju K., Senkerik R.,Lanka S., Rajagopal V. (eds) Data Engineering and Communication Technology. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1079. Springer, Singapore.
K Prem Chander, S.S.V.N. Sharma, Sriramula Nagaprasad, M Anjaneyulu and V Ajantha Devi; ”ANALYSIS OF EFFICIENT CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHMS IN WEB MIN- ING”, ICDECT 2019: 3rd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology, Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for Women, Hyderabad, Telan- gana, India, March 15-16, 2019.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi; ”Thirukkural Implementation : Conversion of Tamil Braille to Speech and Speech to Tamil”;17th World Tamil Internet Conference, Jointly conducted by International Forum for Information Technology (INFITT) and Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore, India, 6th 8th July 2018.Pg.84-89. ISSN:2313 4887. Received Best Paper Award.
N.Krishnaveni, Dr.S.Nagaprasad,Dr.Manju Khari,Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, Improved Data integrity and Storage security in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Pure and Applied Math- ematics Volume 119 No. 15 2018, 2889-2897 ISSN: 1314-3395
P.Sushma, Dr.S.Nagaprasad, Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, ”Youtube: Bigdata Analytics using Hadoop and Map Reduce”, International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 5, Issue 4, April 2018.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, Supervised Learning approach to Object Identification and Recognition; International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematic Volume 119 No. 10 2108, 463- 470,ISSN: 1311-8080.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, Machine Learning Techniques: Supervised and Unsupervised Learning on Object Identification and Recognition; National Conference On Innovations In Computer Technology And Its Applications [NCICTA18], Guru Nanak College, Chennai, February 03, 2018; ISBN:978-93-87102-67-5. pg 68-72. Received Best Paper Award.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, Conversion of Speech to Braille: Interaction device for Visual and Hearing Impaired; Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 30 October 2017 ;Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-4740- 6; DOI: 10.1109/ICSCN.2017.8085740 Publisher: IEEE
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, Conversion of Speech to Braille: Interaction device for Visual and Hearing Impaired; 4th International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Network- ing ICSCN2017 Organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai, March 16-18, 2017; IEEE: ISBN:978-1-5090-47439-0. Received Best Paper Award.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, M.Bobby, C.Madhubala, Redacton Innovation of human Area Networking, International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017; ISSN: 2347-8578. Pg no. 497-499.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, R.Archana, Ensuring Multitier ATM with Aadhar details by Using Bioin- formatics, International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Vol- ume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017; ISSN: 2347-8578. Pg no. 511-515.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, A.Priyanka, The Evolvement of ATM by Using Fingerprint, International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017; ISSN: 2347-8578. Pg no. 491-496.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, J.Ashifa; An Analysis of Under Optical Character Recognition Processing, International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT) Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar- Apr 2017; ISSN: 2454-5414. pg. no.18 20.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, M.Bobby, C.Madhubala, Communication through Human Body Using REDTACTON, 5th National Conference on Computational Methods, Communication Technique and Informatics- NCCCI2017,Gandhigram Rural Institute, Deemed University, Gandhigram on 27th -28th January 2017; ISBN: 978-81-933316-1-3; pg. no. 274-276.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, R.Archana, Ensuring ATM Security by Using Bioinformatics, 5th National Conference on Computational Methods, Communication Technique and Informatics- NCCCI2017 Gandhigram Rural Institute, Deemed University, Gandhigram on 27th -28th January 2017; ISBN: 978-81-933316-1-3; pg. no. 382-384.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, A.Priyanka, ATM Security System by Using Fingerprint, 5th -National Conference on Computational Methods, Communication Technique and Informatics- NCCCI2017 Gandhigram Rural Institute, Deemed University, Gandhigram on 27th -28th January 2017; ISBN: 978-81-933316-1-3; pg. no. 375-377.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, J.Ashifa; The Analysis of Optical Character Recognition in Online and Offline Processing, 5th National Conference on Computational Methods, Communication Technique and Informatics- NCCCI2017 Gandhigram Rural Institute, Deemed University, Gandhigram on 27th -28th January 2017; ISBN: 978-81-933316-1-3; Pg. no. 365-368.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, A.Priyanka: Secured ATM Transaction using Finger Print; Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi; National Conference on Challenges in Computational Research and ApplicationsNCCCRA2017 on 11th January 2017; ISBN: 978-93-86176-52-3; pg.122-126.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, M.Bobby, C.Madhubala: Human Body as a Communication Network using Red Tacton; Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi; National Conference on Challenges in Computational Research and Applications NCCCRA2017 on 11th January 2017; ISBN- 978-93- 86176-52-3; pg no.127-129.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, J.Ashifa: Analysis of Optical Character Recognition using Offline Processing; Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi; National Conference on Challenges in Computational Research and Applications NCCCRA2017 on 11th January 2017; ISBN-978-93- 86176-52-3; pg no.148-150.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi; Portable Device Converting Braille and Text Document to Speech output using Raspberry Pi; International Journal of Control Theory and Applications: SCOPUS; Volume 9 Issue 10; International Science Press; September 2016; pg. no. 4809-4818.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi; Communicational Device for Visual and Hearing Impaired through Speech Recognition and Braille Output; 15th World Tamil Internet Conference, Jointly conducted by International Forum for Information Technology (INFITT) and Gandhigram Uiversity, Gandhigram, India; 9th 11th September 2016.
V.Ajantha Devi; IIRVCSETA 16 08; Presentation on YOUTUBE;
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi; Portable Device Converting Braille and Text Document to Speech output using Raspberry Pi; IIR Virtual Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology Applications ; Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR), Chennai, India, April 14th 2016.
Dr.V.Ajantha Devi, Ms.V.Suganya An Analysis on Types of Speech Recognition and Algorithms; International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (I JCS T) Volume 4 Issue 2, Mar – Apr 2016; ISSN: 2347-8578, pg 350-355.
Capt.Dr.S Santhosh Baboo, V.Ajantha Devi; ”TAMIL BRAILLE SYSTEM: A Conversion methodology of Tamil into Contracted Braille Script (Grade2)”; Second Intl. Conf. on Advances in Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering -CEEE 2013, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors. ISBN: 978-981-07-6260-5 doi: 10.3850/ 978-981-07- 6260-5-36. pg171-175. Received Best Paper Award
Capt.Dr.S Santhosh Baboo, V.Ajantha Devi; Embedded Optical Braille Recognition On Tamil Braille System using Raspberry Pi; International Journal of Computer Technology and Ap- plication (IJCTA) – Volume 5 Issue 4, Jul Aug 15661574.
Capt.Dr.S Santhosh Baboo, V.Ajantha Devi; Embedded Optical Character Recognition On Tamil Text Image using Raspberry Pi ;International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 2 Issue 4, Jul Aug 2014. pg 127 131
Capt.Dr.S Santhosh Baboo, V.Ajantha Devi; ”TAMIL BRAILLE SYSTEM: A Conversion methodology of Tamil into Contracted Braille Script (Grade2)”; UACEE International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and its Applications IJCSIA Volume 3: Issue 2 [ISSN 2250 3765] Publication Date: 05 June 2013 pg.72 -76.
Capt.Dr.S Santhosh Baboo, V.Ajantha Devi; ”COMPUTER BASED TAMIL BRAILLE SYSTEM Review”; 11th International Tamil Internet Conference, Annamalai University, Chi- dambaram, India, Jointly conducted by International Forum for Information Technology (IN- FITT) and Annamalai University Dec 28-30,2012.Pg.5761.